jQGrid 的汉化文件

在jquery.jqgrid.js 中 将第十行的

Js代码 复制代码

  1. { include: true, incfile:’grid.locale-en.js’,minfile: ‘min/grid.locale-en-min.js’}, // jqGrid translation
{ include: true, incfile:'grid.locale-en.js',minfile: 'min/grid.locale-en-min.js'}, // jqGrid translation


Js代码 复制代码

  1. ;(function($){  
  2. /**
  3. * jqGrid Chinese Translation
  4. * Lun Jun [email protected]
  5. * http://rikugun.javaeye.com/blog/ 
  6. * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
  7. * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
  8. * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
  9. **/
  10. $.jgrid = {};  
  11. $.jgrid.defaults = {  
  12.     recordtext: "行",  
  13.     loadtext: "读取中…",  
  14.     pgtext : "/"
  15. };  
  16. $.jgrid.search = {  
  17.     caption: "搜索…",  
  18.     Find: "查找",  
  19.     Reset: "重置",  
  20.     odata : [‘等于’, ‘不等于’, ‘小于’, ‘小于等于’,’大于’,’大于等于’, ‘开始于’,’结束于’,’包含’ ]  
  21. };  
  22. $.jgrid.edit = {  
  23.     addCaption: "添加记录",  
  24.     editCaption: "编辑记录",  
  25.     bSubmit: "提交",  
  26.     bCancel: "取消",  
  27.     bClose: "关闭",  
  28.     processData: "处理中…",  
  29.     msg: {  
  30.         required:"此字段必需",  
  31.         number:"请输入有效数字",  
  32.         minValue:"输入值必须大于等于",  
  33.         maxValue:"输入值必须小于等于",  
  34.         email: "这不是有效的e-mail"
  35.     }  
  36. };  
  37. $.jgrid.del = {  
  38.     caption: "删除",  
  39.     msg: "删除所选记录?",  
  40.     bSubmit: "删除",  
  41.     bCancel: "取消",  
  42.     processData: "处理中…"
  43. };  
  44. $.jgrid.nav = {  
  45.     edittext: " ",  
  46.     edittitle: "编辑所选行",  
  47.     addtext:" ",  
  48.     addtitle: "添加行",  
  49.     deltext: " ",  
  50.     deltitle: "删除所选行",  
  51.     searchtext: " ",  
  52.     searchtitle: "查找",  
  53.     refreshtext: "",  
  54.     refreshtitle: "刷新表格",  
  55.     alertcap: "警告",  
  56.     alerttext: "请选择行"
  57. };  
  58. // setcolumns module
  59. $.jgrid.col ={  
  60.     caption: "显示/隐藏行",  
  61.     bSubmit: "提交",  
  62.     bCancel: "取消"
  63. };  
  64. $.jgrid.errors = {  
  65.     errcap : "错误",  
  66.     nourl : "没有设置url",  
  67.     norecords: "没有要处理的记录"
  68. };  
  69. })(jQuery); 
 * jqGrid Chinese Translation
 * Lun Jun [email protected]
 * http://rikugun.javaeye.com/blog/ 
 * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
 * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
 * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
$.jgrid = {};

$.jgrid.defaults = {
	recordtext: "行",
	loadtext: "读取中...",
	pgtext : "/"
$.jgrid.search = {
    caption: "搜索...",
    Find: "查找",
    Reset: "重置",
    odata : ['等于', '不等于', '小于', '小于等于','大于','大于等于', '开始于','结束于','包含' ]
$.jgrid.edit = {
    addCaption: "添加记录",
    editCaption: "编辑记录",
    bSubmit: "提交",
    bCancel: "取消",
	bClose: "关闭",
    processData: "处理中...",
    msg: {
        email: "这不是有效的e-mail"
$.jgrid.del = {
    caption: "删除",
    msg: "删除所选记录?",
    bSubmit: "删除",
    bCancel: "取消",
    processData: "处理中..."
$.jgrid.nav = {
	edittext: " ",
    edittitle: "编辑所选行",
	addtext:" ",
    addtitle: "添加行",
    deltext: " ",
    deltitle: "删除所选行",
    searchtext: " ",
    searchtitle: "查找",
    refreshtext: "",
    refreshtitle: "刷新表格",
    alertcap: "警告",
    alerttext: "请选择行"
// setcolumns module
$.jgrid.col ={
    caption: "显示/隐藏行",
    bSubmit: "提交",
    bCancel: "取消"	
$.jgrid.errors = {
	errcap : "错误",
	nourl : "没有设置url",
	norecords: "没有要处理的记录"


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